4k LED TV 2021: Why 4K only & how to buy it online?
4k LED TV 2021: Why 4K only & how to buy it online? Good question. We have been buying LCD, LED and Plasma flat screens to replace our old CRT for the past six years. We like the changing technology and improvements they have been making in image quality, design, and additional features.
4k LED TVs
Since 2006, we have seen the educational status of our TVs increase from dumb to smart, now we can use our TVs as makeshift PCs, we can watch 3D content, we can play Angry Birds using gesture control and talk to our TV after it recognizes our face.

We can share information from one device to another with DLNA, we can move and launch files from our smartphone or tablet to our television and we can see the same screen but watch two different programs. And OLED TVs are about to emerge from the consumer electronics convention storefront to our local television store. Why 4K?
Technology without content
We have barely adopted 3D due to lack of content, why would we want a UHDTV (u = ultra) with virtually zero content? The short answer is that we probably won’t do it now or for years to come. Technology takes time to progress. Remember how long we listened to HD and how little content was there before the FCC finally set standards and a firm broadcast date? It was then that flat screens began to sell at volume and prices dropped to where mere mortals could buy them, then more content was created.
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Content is being done
Now, this does not mean that 4K content is not being produced. It is, but not much. Most modern studio movies (especially ‘blockbusters’) these days are filmed and mastered in 4K, so content exists. High-end consumer equipment is likely to outperform documentaries and sporting events. Current movies shot in 4k include The Dark Knight Rises, Moneyball, Spiderman 4, and Men in Black III. Chances are you will find documentaries and special sporting events that also jump into the fight 4k just like HD on their own happy days. The most famous brand right now in 2020 is TCL 4K LED TVs, check out the latest TCL led TVs 2021.
Build it will come (and some predictions)
As with HD, technology is more than just the display panel. Although a UHD video file should fit perfectly on a professionally mastered Blu-Ray disc with fairly good compression levels (H.264 / VC1), you would still need a player capable of playing this new format and it would be highly unlikely that something revolutionizes this format of consumer electronics that has already had problems since its launch.
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Chances are you’ll see the first crop of studio UHD available on the next generation of Playstation and Xbox devices when they hit the market (we’re not going to speculate on those release dates), and that also largely depends on having all the ecosystem of the necessary components (the current cultivation of HDMI, for example, can only do 4K resolution at 24 fps). Beyond gaming, you’re likely to see Sony et al’s HD cameras adopt 4K although the usefulness of that is suspect, since you have to have the camera, and that really raises the question of the usefulness of the video. 4K unedited.
Improving today’s offers
What these devices can sell is the HD upgrade, which should offer some quality enhancements. Chances are that the real benefits of 4K will be realized in other areas, like HD without crystal glasses.
If you are a tech fanatic and have money to spend, you may not be able to control yourself when Toshiba or LG come out with their 55 ”4k models (expected in late 2014). Don’t expect big quality improvements with scaled content or even 4K-based content (if you can somehow come up with a way to bring it to the screen). It will not be as important as the transition from SD to HD. But it is novel.